Cheesy Bacon & Onion Roll ups
Servings8 Rolls
These little pockets of yummy Cheese, Bacon and Onion are a labour of love. A simple Dough mix filled with a classic flavour combo, makes this dish a favourite. Whether you are looking for a grab and go snack for work or even something to bring to the party, these Rollups are simple and delicious. Think toasty and crunchy outside and a fluffy inside packed with melty Cheese and Bacon. My variation on the tradition Baked scrolls we love here in Australia.
The Roux for Dough Mix
- 10 Grams Plain Flour
- 10 Grams Unsalted Butter
- 60 ML Whole Milk
- 80 ML Milk
- 260 Grams Plain Flour
- 80 ML Whole Milk
- 20 Grams Sugar
- 1 1/2 Teaspoon Active Dried Yeast
- 1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
- 1/2 Teaspoon Dried Oregano
- 1/2 Teaspoon Dried Thyme
- 1/2 Teaspoon Dried Rosemary
- 1 Teaspoon Olive Oil
- 1 Whisked Egg , Egg wash
- 2 Whole Finely Sliced Spring Onion
- 2 Cups Pizza Blend Cheese, Mozzerella,Parmesan, Cheddar
- 200 Grams Finely Sliced Bacon
The Roux
- 1
Place a small saucepan on stovetop, set to low and add butter. Cook until fully melted.
Add Flour into Butter and mix until Flour has mixed into Butter (Should form a sticky dough like consistency)
Pour Milk in and simmer on low, stirring until it has slightly thickened. Should cling to spoon a little.
The Dough
- 1
Activate Yeast-
Heat Milk up until warm not hot. I just use a microwave and check it every 30 seconds. Add Dried Yeast. Set aside.
Stand Mixer with Dough Hook-
Add all dry ingredients, except for Yeast into Stand Mix. Then add the Roux and keep mixing until thick dough forms. Slowly Pour the Milk and Yeast in and continue mixing until the Dough is smooth and formed into a ball.
Flour a flat surface and scrape dough out onto it. Use your hands to Knead dough for roughly around 3 minutes. Form into a ball shape and transfer into a floured large bowl. Cover with Cling Wrap and place in warm location to rest for 1-2 hours or until Dough has doubled in size.
Whilst Dough is resting you can start preparing the filling. Finely Slice Onions and Bacon. Grate Cheese. (NOTE).
Final Steps
- 1
Preheat Oven to 180c and line a flat heat proof tray with Baking Paper.
Time to fill-
Time to create the final product. Once again Flour a flat surface. Place dough down and roll out into a rough square shape. Around 1 cm thick. Cover one half of square evenly with filling. Fold over and carefully flatten it with a rolling pin or hands until it is 1 cm thick again.
Form the shape-
Cut flattened square into 3 cm width strips. Take each individual strip, form a circle by connecting each end, then roll half up from bottom and then the other. Shape with hands to form a ball like shape (PICTURED) (NOTE)
Place on Baking Tray, Brush Egg Wash on top. Bake until dark golden on outside for around 30 minutes.
- Stand Mix
- Oven
You can buy a pre made “Pizza Blend” cheese that works perfect in these. Thats what i like to use just to save me having to grate 2 cups of cheese.
Form the Dough-
i have included some pictures to help guide youform the roll ups. Dont be too fussed if they arent perfect. All you are looking for is that some of the filling is exposed on top and the overall shape of each one is circular. Think of a deformed pretzel of sorts. If that helps? XD